XOR gate

网络  异或门; 互斥或门; 互斥或闸; 异或; 互斥闸



  1. XOR gate: If the gate has a cross sign inside it, it's used to split one path into several paths.
  2. Influence of input duty cycle on difference frequency performance based on XOR gate mixer
  3. Research on the Performance of All Optical XOR Gate based on SOA-Assisted
  4. Function Minimization of Combinational Logic Cad Based on XOR Gate The Door
  5. Low Power Technology for Static Logic Circuit Based on XOR Gate
  6. The main errors above are CLK frequency and XOR gate phase detection. At the best frequency, the sum of the two errors is nearly ± 1% FS.
  7. A Novel Optimization Approach for Low Power XOR Gate Decomposition
  8. The input signal is nonlinearly transferred through the function of XOR gate, so higher even order frequency components are gotten.
  9. Based on polarity conversion, an optimal XOR gate decomposition for static logic circuit is designed in order to minimize the power dissipation.
  10. The numerical model of semiconductor optical amplifier based on the carrier rate equation and non-degenerate four-wave mixing effect of SOA are studied, and the multi-input RZ/ NRZ-DPSK format data logic XOR gate and RZ-OOK format logic AND gate are put forward.
  11. In addition, the performance of XOR logic gate can be improved by additional control pulse. However, the increase of control pulse power would deteriorate the output signal, and then the control pulse power should be chosen properly.
  12. In the proposed scheme, it does not need to reconfigure the parameters of the system, only change the input signal, two or three input DPSK format logic XOR gate and RZ-OOK format logic AND gate can be realized.
  13. The optical information processing was realized with the BR film. Based on the properties of photoinduced anisotropy of BR film, a scheme of all-optical logic gates is presented theoretically and experimentally. The all-optical logic AND, OR, XOR etc gate operations have been demonstrated experimentally.